- Seminar ‘Plant cultural heritage’, Kraków 26–28 May 2019.
- Seminar ‘Cultural heritage of small homelands’, Kraków 03–05 February 2019.
- Seminar ‘Comparison of the Cultural Landscapes in the Context of Urbanisation in China and Poland’, Kraków 21.07–02.08.2014.
- Seminar Experience of a Master Programme study in Poland ‘Development of New Land Governance Studies in Macedonia and Ukraine’ Kraków, 9 May – 21 May 2011.
- Seminar ‘Land management in mountain and highland river valleys in sustainable development’, Kraków 3–7 July 2010.
- International Workshop ‘Curricula for cultural landscapes’, Kraków 30–31 March 2007.
- Seminar ‘Cultural landscape’, Kraków 7–8 December 2006.
Quandaries and challenges of land management – the Second International Scientific Conference.
The Department of Land Management and Landscape Architecture held the Second International Scientific Conference, an edition of SPACE–TECHNOLOGY–ECONOMICS – Quandaries and challenges of land management (24 March 2017). The conference was a joint effort of our department and researchers from the University of Economy in Kraków and the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn. The main objective of the conference was to share experience and research results in land surveying and cartography, land management, landscape architecture, geomatics, management and economics, engineering, environmental engineering, and water management.
Quandaries and challenges of land management – the First International Scientific Conference
The department held an International Scientific Conference Today’s trends in regional development. It was part of series SPACE–TECHNOLOGY–ECONOMICS. It took place on 6 March 2015.
Cultural Landscapes in Rural and Urban Areas
The 4th International and Interdisciplinary Symposium ‘Cultural Landscapes in Rural and Urban Areas: The Integration of Past, Present, and Future in Spatial Planning and Land Management’, 4–6 September 2014 in Kraków.
Cultural landscape
International scientific conference ‘Cultural landscape — Protecting Historical Cultural Landscapes to Strengthen Regional Identities and Local Economies’. Kraków 5−7 May 2008 (Project: Protecting Historical Cultural Landscapes to Strengthen Regional Identities and Local Economies, No. 5D106).